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Moving meditation



Por que você precisa fazer esse curso?

  • Para aprender a cultivar comida em pequenos espaços, de forma ambientalmente sustentável, sem veneno e sem insumos químicos.

  • Para ver - e praticar - como montar uma horta caseira desde o início

  • Para fazer resíduos virarem recursos, através da compostagem e reaproveitamento de materiais encontrados na cidade

  • Para aprender como decidir o melhor lugar para a horta

  • Para aprender como fazer o substrato para plantio direto
    no canteiro e em sementeiras;

  • Para saber como fazer a adequação de espécies ao espaço disponível

  • Para conhecer os principais cuidados com irrigação, adubação, colheita

  • Para identificar diferentes tipos de hortas para diferentes espaços.

  • Para aprender a compostar em casa e produzir solo fértil a partir de restos vegetais que iriam parar no lixo

Sobre o Namu

O NAMU Cursos é uma plataforma de cursos online do Portal NAMU e tem como missão contribuir para a evolução individual e coletiva das pessoas por meio da geração e divulgação de conteúdos que inspirem uma vida mais equilibrada. 

Todos os nossos cursos são 100% Online para você praticar quando e onde quiser!

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Benefícios do Curso

Compre Agora

Ensina a reaproveitar materiais orgânicos e inorgânicos

Discover a world without distractions and with mindfulness.

Aprenda a cultivar o seu próprio alimento em casa

O curso Hortas Caseiras Agroecológicas propõe a reconexão com os ciclos naturais através do plantio, da compostagem, do reaproveitamento de resíduos, da alimentação, do pensamento sistêmico e do questionamento de hábitos de consumo e comportamento. 

Aprenda com a professora Ale Nahra a cultivar comida em pequenos espaços, de forma ambientalmente sustentável, sem veneno e sem insumos químicos. Vamos ver — e praticar — como montar uma horta caseira desde o início e fazer resíduos virarem recursos, por meio da compostagem e do reaproveitamento de materiais encontrados na cidade; como decidir o melhor lugar para a horta; como fazer o substrato para plantio direto no canteiro e em sementeiras; adequação de espécies ao espaço disponível; principais cuidados com irrigação, adubação e colheita; diferentes tipos de hortas para diferentes espaços; como compostar em casa e produzir solo fértil a partir de restos vegetais que iriam parar no lixo.

Vamos observar todo o ciclo de plantio, alimentação e reutilização, questionando padrões e hábitos, refletindo sobre novas maneiras de comportamento e propondo ações práticas para a reconexão humana aos ciclos naturais.


até 12x de


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Compre Agora

Mostra o passo a passo da aplicação de agroecologia

Ensina a fazer compostagem

Alimentos frescos sempre à mesa

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Copyright © NAMU Cursos All rights reserved

Decreases stress and anxiety

Increases focus and attention

Improves performance on a daily basis

Provides wellness

The term mindfulness designates a method of meditation that can be reproduced by anyone suffering from stress, anxiety, depression and other conditions. The intention of the mindfulness practice is to manifest the focus and attention of the mind to the present experience, making us aware of all kinds of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Achieving mindfulness in daily tasks, whether at work or during meals, can bring various benefits to the mind and body, such as decreased stress, increased body awareness and self-awareness, reduced risk of depression, improved sleep, etc. This course was thought by the teacher Tamara Russell as a training of mindfulness of scientific character, based on the study of neuroscience and produced with responsibility

Any doubts?

I've never practiced mindfulness. Can I still take the course?

Yes. The classes were developed for beginners, as well as for those who already practice the mindfulness method.

Do I need any equipment?

No. You just need to be in comfortable clothes.

Supplementary material with the teacher's biography and information related to the course. At the end, you will receive a certificate of achievement with your personal data, the date of the course, and all the information about the course taken.

What is included in the course?

Where can I attend the course?

Wherever you want. The course is 100% online and on video. You can watch it on your computer, tablet, or smartphone within 3 years of joining.

Get familiar with the benefits of doing a course with Namu

One time Payment

Accessible wherever you are

Auxiliary material

Renowned Teachers

Interact with Teachers

Exclusive Courses

Student community



Let's warm-up mindfully

Mindfulness introduction

Lessons plan

Let's make mistakes


Let's choose our pace


Let's move mindfully


Let's play with effort and ease


Let's focus on process


Let's watch our mind react


Let's bring it back


Let's go big



Let's put it all together



Increases focus and attention

Decreases stress and anxiety

Improves performance on a daily basis

Provides wellness

Discover a world without distractions and with mindfulness

The term mindfulness designates a method of meditation that can be reproduced by anyone suffering from stress, anxiety, depression and other conditions. The intention of the mindfulness practice is to manifest the focus and attention of the mind to the present experience, making us aware of all kinds of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Achieving mindfulness in daily tasks, whether at work or during meals, can bring various benefits to the mind and body, such as decreased stress, increased body awareness and self-awareness, reduced risk of depression, improved sleep, etc. This course was thought by the teacher Tamara Russell as a training of mindfulness of scientific character, based on the study of neuroscience and produced with responsibility


Course Level





Learn and practice mindfulness in a conscious way and help manifest mindfulness day by day, in the present moment.


Not applicable.

About teacher

Dr. Tamara Russell

Dr. Tamara Russell is a neuroscientist, author, clinical psychologist, martial arts expert and mindfulness instructor. She currently teaches at King's College in London and collaborates with the Royal College of Psychiatry in the UK.

Get familiar with the benefits of doing a course with Namu

Interact with Teachers

Accessible wherever you are

Auxiliary material

Renowned teachers

One time Payment

Renowned Teachers

Student community


Course Level




Learn and practice mindfulness in a conscious way and help manifest mindfulness day by day, in the present moment.



Not applicable.

About the teacher

Dr. Tamara Russell is a neuroscientist, author, clinical psychologist, martial arts expert and mindfulness instructor. She currently teaches at King's College in London and collaborates with the Royal College of Psychiatry in the UK.

Dr. Tamara Russell

Target Audience

Mindfulness is designed for people who want to manifest the focus and attention of the mind to the present, making them more aware of everything they feel: emotions, sensations, thoughts.

Any doubts?

I've never practiced mindfulness. Can I still take the course?

Yes. The classes were developed for beginners, as well as for those who already practice the mindfulness method.

Do I need any equipment?

No. You just need to be in comfortable clothes.

What is included in the course?

Supplementary material with the teacher's biography and information related to the course. At the end, you will receive a certificate of achievement with your personal data, the date of the course, and all the information about the course taken.

Where can I attend the course?

Wherever you want. The course is 100% online and on video. You can watch it on your computer, tablet, or smartphone within 3 years of joining.

Mindfulness is designed for people who want to manifest the focus and attention of the mind to the present, making them more aware of everything they feel: emotions, sensations, thoughts.

Target Audience

Dr. Tamara Russell
Specialists in Meditation

U$ 98,90


Moving meditation

Dr. Tamara Russell
Specialists in Meditation

U$ 98,90

+55 (11) 97639-1948 / +55 (11) 3774-1055 /

+55 (11) 97639-1948 / +55 (11) 3774-1055